This summer I created a workshop for a group of Brazilian students who had come over to the Arts University College at Bournemouth to experience costume design. I lead the 2 day experience with the theme being anthropomorphism within design.

We explored various ways to transform a performer into an animal and looked at many designers and inspirational images.
The group split into groups and were given an animal and also a type of character. We had characters such as a scientist beetle and a walrus queen. The groups created visual boards of ideas and concepts. We then all rummaged through the costume store and found items which would be fitting for the design.
Then it was off to the charity shops, each with a ten pound note to gather any bits essential for creating their character!
After hair and makeup we all headed to the photography studio where we had a photoshoot of all the characters as if promoting a thetare production. It was a great two days and we all had lots of fun!