Over this past month i have been working with Open Stage productions on the show 'Don't Blame It On The Wolf' as their costume designer and have been sourcing costumes and dressing on the show. I have also been involved in illustration work with the company.
Open Stage Productions presents the Premiere of Don’t Blame it on the Wolf By Gerard Swift and Gillian Twaite
It’s the eve of the trial of the Big Bad Wolf and everyone in Storyland is talking about it. None more so than TV presenters Abi Hook and Peter Piper who suspect that everything is not as it seems. Join Abi and her team in this exciting new musical for children and their families as they go undercover to discover:
“ Why was only one little pig’s house made out of bricks?”
“What was really in Tom Wolf’s Birthday Cake?”
“ Where is the missing file?”
“Who will win TV Personality of the Year?”
These and many other questions are answered as mystery of ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ is finally solved – “By Hook or By Crook!”
A family show suitable for ages 6+
Supported by the Arts Council of England & National Lottery
It’s the eve of the trial of the Big Bad Wolf and everyone in Storyland is talking about it. None more so than TV presenters Abi Hook and Peter Piper who suspect that everything is not as it seems. Join Abi and her team in this exciting new musical for children and their families as they go undercover to discover:
“ Why was only one little pig’s house made out of bricks?”
“What was really in Tom Wolf’s Birthday Cake?”
“ Where is the missing file?”
“Who will win TV Personality of the Year?”
These and many other questions are answered as mystery of ‘The 3 Little Pigs’ is finally solved – “By Hook or By Crook!”
A family show suitable for ages 6+
Supported by the Arts Council of England & National Lottery
VENUE: Birmingham Library Theatre